
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Best Documentaries of 2012

My picks for the best movies of 2012 will be posted later this week but there are some deserving documentaries that didn't make it on my list that I wanted to highlight.  So I decided to make a list of my favorite documentaries of the year.  While I may not have seen a large number of documentaries I have seen some great ones. And I have to thank The Milwaukee Film Festival for the opportunity to see some of these great movies.

5.  As Goes Janesville- This documentary hits close to home.  This documentary follows 5 people as they cope with the economic recession.  They come from different backgrounds and are affected differently.  But in a case of being in the right place at the right time (or wrong time depending on your perspective) the movie captured the political turmoil around Governor Scott Walker's elimination of the collective bargaining rights of public employees.
My full review here

4.  The Queen of Versailles- Another movie about the economic downturn and another movie that happened to be in the right place at the right time.  The Queen of Versailles starts off about the building of the largest house in America but quickly switches to a family coping with economic problems.  While the family remains wealthy the movie finds a way to make them sympathetic even when their problems is nothing compared to others. The movie is currently streaming on Netflix.
My full review here

3.  The Imposter- This is one of those movies that if it was a fiction  movie no one would believe it.  Told through interviews and recreations the movie is about a family who's son goes missing and is possibly found in France.  But who is the person that claims to be this kid?  The movie takes unexpected twists and turns.
My full review here

2.  The Invisible War-This was sort of a last minute decision during the Milwaukee Film Festival but wow was I blown away.  The movie tells the heartbreaking stories of women and men who were raped in the military.  The movie is about the constant cover up of these abuses and the military culture that allows these abuses to continue.  It is a sad movie that will hopefully cause some changes. It is currently streaming on Netflix.
My full review here

1.  Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God- With lots of great movies at the Milwaukee Film Festival this was the stand out of the documentaries.  This is another heartbreaking look at sexual abuse and cover ups this time by Catholic Priests and the Vatican.  One of the main focuses of the movie is the Saint John's School for the Deaf in St. Francis Wi. While the movie is very good what made this an exceptional experience was getting to see it with the subjects that are featured in the movie.  The movie will be on HBO later this year. My full review here

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