
Friday, October 11, 2013

Milwaukee Film Fest 2013: Maidentrip

One of the great things about The Milwaukee Film Festival is that they give teachers the opportunity to bring their class to a movie for free. This year one of the films that was part of the education screenings was Maidentrip.  A friend of mine brought her class and one of her students wrote a review. 
So I am happy to present our first guest blogger 7th Grader Takayla.

Maidentrip is about an amazing 14-year-old girl named Laura Dekker from Holland. Laura had an amazing life-long dream to sail around the world. She spent practically her whole life on boats. Her father loved boats and her mother didn’t because she’d always get sick. 
      She got her first boat when she was 8 years old. Laura got a new boat when she was 10 year old. By this time she had sailed by herself and her parents had separated. When she was 14 years old, she got a boat and she named it Guppy. When Laura told people she wanted to be the youngest person to sail around the world alone, child welfare tried to take her from her dad. They went to court, and she and her dad won. 

         In 2010 Laura sailed out from Holland to start her two-year voyage around the world. She recorded her voyage by herself. Speaking French, Dutch, and English, she traveled 27,000 miles over 519 days and she had crossed the finish line. Laura had stopped at a lot of places, like: South America, the Canary Islands, and St. Martin, filming all of the beautiful scenery. Laura Dekker is the youngest person to sail around the world alone. 

I thought the movie was amazing, but kind of boring. There were a few people falling asleep. There was no action, but there was a little bit of comedy. If you’re not mature and well rested, don’t go see this movie. There’s a lot of cursing involved, but overall I give this movie a 4 out of 10.

-Takayla, 7th Grade 
Westside Academy II

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